第一期:ChatGPT primer。给大家概述LLM, RL, 和ChatGPT基础知识,引导新手入门。
第二期主题是哲学。AI越来越像人类?人类自身的生存是否受到挑战?本期将给大家呈现一些近期有代表性的学术文章,看看思想界是怎样赞成,反对,或分析这个问题的。并且从Intelligence, Consciousness, Language上厘清一些概念。
第三期主题是AI的计算机科学哲学原理。从系统论,信息论,博弈论上分析ChatGPT在学习什么以及是怎么学习的,与人自身与世界交互的过程有何关联?另外,什么是emergence(涌现)? 亚里士多德说“the whole is more than the sum of its parts”的时候在预示着什么?
第一篇文章,David Chalmers在去年NeurIPS上展示的Could a Large Language Model be Conscious? 谈论Consciousness。Chalmers对Consciousness是什么以及不是什么做了归纳,并明确指出Consciousness不是Intelligence。然后他用三段论分别分析了LLM有Consciousness和无Consciousness的理由。
It could be a disaster to stumble upon AI consciousness unknowingly and unreflectively. So I hope that making these possible paths explicit at least helps us to think about conscious AI reflectively and to handle these issues with care. Chalmers, David J.. Could a Large Language Model be Conscious?
第二篇文章是Noam Chomsky今年三月份发表在纽约时报的文章The False Promise of ChatGPT. Chomsky认为LLM缺乏真正的Intelligence。其一,真正的Intelligence是解释(explanation),而ChatGPT只能做描述和预测(description and prediction)。其二,真正的Intelligence有道德思考的能力,而ChatGPT表现出一种“平庸之恶”:剽窃,冷漠,和回避。
ChatGPT exhibits something like the banality of evil: plagiarism and apathy and obviation. … refuses to take a stand on anything, pleads not merely ignorance but lack of intelligence and ultimately offers a “just following orders” defense, shifting responsibility to its creators. Chomsky, Noam. The False Promise of ChatGPT.
第三篇文章是Philip Goff今年五月份发表在The Conversation的ChatGPT Can’t think – Consciousness is Something Entirely Different to Today’s AI. Goff要回答的问题是ChatGPT可以思考吗? 这个问题可以追溯到经典的图灵测试,正是图灵在1950年发表的论文Machinery Computing and Intelligence里开篇提出的问题。Goff认为图灵处理这个问题的方式不对。判断ChatGPT能否思考是要它看是否能consciously understand the meaning,而不是行为上能否通过测试。Goff还指出consciousness研究中对subjects’ testimony和external markers的依赖问题。
There is also a clear, everyday notion of “understanding” that’s tied to consciousness. … It doesn’t consciously understand the meaning of the words it’s spitting out. If “thought” means the act of conscious reflection, then ChatGPT has no thoughts about anything. Goff, Philip. ChatGPT Can’t think – Consciousness is Something Entirely Different to Today’s AI.
最后,还有两个延伸讲解和讨论。语言哲学里关于meaning的理论,嘉宾将尝试从这个角度启发对“智能”问题的思考。关于自动写码AI,前不久从谷歌辞职的AI教父Geoffrey Hinton “fears a day when truly autonomous weapons — those killer robots — become reality.”
2023年6月3日,周六 2:15 - 4:15 pm (美西时间)
参与方式 (线下): Room 100, 3160 De La Cruz Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95054
本次活动将会录像,编辑上传至谷雨YouTube官方频道,敬请关注 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzuQbOXWdQZfdMLfU-w1jvg