2018年7月28日,周六4:00pm - 6:00pm Room 100, 3160 De La Cruz Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95054
Professor for 25 years in US n 6 years in China teaching Holistic Medicine, Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Health, Yoga, and Transformative Courses.
Founder of School Yoga Institute for 20 years, of Mystical Yoga Farms in Guatemala for 10 years, and of FindingThread, a Paradigm Shift platform to teach and activate the highest human potentiality .
An Initiated Shaman Practitioner in the high Andes over 10 years, a dedicated Yogi for 20 years, a mystic for many life times, father of Munai and baby in Gabriella’s belly, my life partner.
Human Potentiality
“Human Potentiality from Science to Shaman, Sport to Yoga, Human awareness to cosmic Consciousness” - Come to Experience and Remember the Magic Web of Life