谷雨书苑第三十六期《湾区美洲狮的幸福生活》by Yiwei

December 6, 2015


分享人: Yiwei Wang

Yiwei was born in Beijing but grew up and lived in the Bay Area most of her life. She attended Cornell University and double majored in Biology and Psychology. Returning to the west coast, she worked throughout California on many species of birds and mammals. She then attended UC Santa Cruz and received her PhD in Environmental Studies in 2013. Her dissertation focused on learning how human development impacts mountain lions and their relationships with other smaller carnivores. After completing her Ph.D., she worked with Save the Elephants in northern Kenya to study how human settlements are affecting elephants and to increase awareness of elephant poaching for ivory. Most recently she was a post-doctoral scholar in Santa Barbara, where she worked to increase and facilitate the management and sharing of ecological data. Personal website : https://sites.google.com/site/ywang82/home


As humans continue to take over wild spaces and forests, large carnivores are often the first species to lose their habitats and go extinct. Yet in the mountains above Silicon Valley, the mountain lion continues to make its living in the shadows, unseen by the millions of people who live and work just a couple of miles away. How did the mountain lion survive and learn to live alongside humans when most large predators have been driven to extinction in California and the United States? Come learn about the secret lives of mountain lions in the Santa Cruz Mountains and about the important role they play in our ecosystem. Scientists today are using new technologies, such as those found inside smart phones, to better understand mountain lion behavior and to study how they are able to survive in a changing environment.


A good essay to read if people want to read is “the trouble with wilderness” by William Cronin.

A UC Santa Cruz mountain lion habitat fragmentation study.


12月6日,周日下午4:30pm - 7:30pm @4th Floor, 3777 Stevens Creek Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95051


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