Valleyrain International is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in march, 2015 and headquartered in San Francisco Bay Area.
We were founded with the mission of building a bridge between Aisa and North America cultures.
We are trying to build a spiritual home for all Chinese residence in the United States who are keen to reading and learning new things. Every Sunday afternoon, a host will lead to share or discuss one book or topic. It could be about culture, social, history, economics, business or any other related areas like movie, music, painting, travel etc. Most of our events are free.
Since our first launch in March 2015, we have attracted many elites and grassroots in a variety of professions. To date, we have hosted upwards of 400 cultural events in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Beijing, and Shanghai, among other cities. At these events, we gather leading voices in the field to engage in dialogue and share knowledge.
谷雨书苑是一个立足于美国旧金山硅谷,面向广大华人的,自发性的非营利读书分享团体。我们每周日会在线下分享讨论一本书。分享的内容涵盖人文,社科,历史,经济,商业金融等各个领域,以及跟书籍相关的电影,音乐,绘画等。 我们的使命是致力于提高湾区华人圈的精神文化生活水平,促进中美文化交流。 自2015年3月底举办第一次读书活动以来,迄今为止,谷雨在旧金山湾区,洛杉矶,北京,上海等地举办了400场的线下文化交流分享活动。邀请为谷雨做过分享的嘉宾包括,知名导演贾樟柯,“最牛历史老师”袁腾飞,知名学者秦晖,人大教授京城名嘴周孝正,奇葩说冠军邱晨,知名辩手艾力等。谷雨书苑接下来还会邀请更多文化圈的名人大咖,知名学者和大家见面,敬请期待。
谷雨取名,一來是因为读书会成立于春末谷雨时节。二來与硅谷的谷相映衬,三來希望给硅谷这个文化沙漠帶來滋润之雨,文化之雨。同時也暗含希望我們读书会给大家带来哪怕只有一丝可以滋润心灵的雨露甘霖。 有各位书友的支持和陪伴,谷雨书苑才能走得更远,做得更好。
提前报名参加即将举行的读书分享活动,具体报名方式见每期活动预告。 开始前每人简短自我介绍,主讲人分享书目。 分享一个小时后休息15分钟,供书友之间交流。 分享时间一共为2.5小时,最后30分钟用来自由讨论。 其他常见问题可以参见FAQ。