谷雨书苑第九期读书分享活动 - 《The Great Dissent》 - Fengsuo

May 31, 2015

Image 1 of 2015-05-31

##分享人:周锋锁 天安门广场抗议运动参与者,旧金山湾区NGO人道中国创办人。清华大学物理系本科,芝加哥大学MBA。现从事量化选股模型研究。热爱自由,崇尚公义,欣赏上帝创造的一切美善。读书广杂,喜欢电影,热衷户外活动,自然有水的地方都会到此一游。

##介绍书目: 言论自由是一切自由的基石。没有言论自由就没有良知。 《The Great Dissent》(伟大的异议),讲述美国言论自由历史上的里程碑事件,即霍姆斯法官在80年前代表最高法院少数意见2:7对于言论自由的阐述,即使他的意见是少数,没有影响案件结果,却极大扩展了美国此后对于言论自由的保护,成为80年以来的言论自由的经典定义。 霍姆斯法官,哈佛法学院毕业生和教授,现代实用主义法学的创始人,最高法院法官,现在被认为是美国历史上最伟大的四位法官之一。整本书仔细介绍了霍姆斯法官思想转变的过程,影响他的几位重要人物。

##作者介绍: Professor Healy received his B.A. in Journalism from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his J.D. from Columbia Law School, where he was a James Kent Scholar, Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar and Book Review and Essay Editor of the Columbia Law Review. Prior to joining Seton Hall, he clerked for Judge Michael Daly Hawkins on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit and was an associate at Sidley Austin Brown and Wood in Washington D.C., where he practiced appellate litigation and worked on several cases before the United States Supreme Court. He also worked for many years as a newspaper reporter, first in North Carolina and later as Supreme Court Correspondent for the Baltimore Sun.
Professor Thomas Healy writes about freedom of speech, the methods of judicial decision-making, and the role of courts in a democracy. His book “The Great Dissent: How Oliver Wendell Holmes Changed His Mind – and Changed the History of Free Speech in America” won the 2014 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award, the Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award, and the New Jersey Council for the Humanities Book Award. It was also selected as a New York Times Book Review editor’s choice and was named one of the fifteen best non-fiction books of 2013 by the Christian Science Monitor. He is currently at work on a new book, for which he was awarded a 2015 Guggenheim Fellowship.


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##时间和地址 5月31号,周日晚上6:30pm
@635 High Street, Palo Alto
